Vendrive helps sellers

The Simplest Guide To Bundle Listing On Amazon FBA

October 22, 2018 in Wholesale

Bundle Listing is one of those enticing strategies when it comes to selling on Amazon, regardless if you’re selling Retail/Online Arbitrage, Private Label or even Wholesale.

Luckily Bundling works incredibly well with the wholesale model.

It’s a great way to develop a unique “product” that other sellers have a harder time replicating.

This gives you a massive competitive advantage. Stacked with optimizing listings and running PPC ads bundling is a huge value-add to potential suppliers because it allows you to grow your sales volume without jumping on another listing.

Other key benefits to bundling is an increased margin (or ROI) and lower competition. You essentially set the price and control the listing with your own UPC code. You can buy UPC codes on eBay very cheaply. 

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How to Increase Amazon Feedback without the Hassle

October 17, 2018 in Wholesale

There’s nothing like personal recommendations to boost Amazon wholesale businesses. A PPC campaign goes a long way, but the word of mouth goes even further.

That’s why increasing Amazon feedback is a major priority for growth.

However, it can seem very complicated in the beginning. People might be buying, but it seems like only the ones who didn’t like the products actually leave feedback. 

And since one-star reviews aren’t going to grow my business (or yours), here’s the steps we should take if we want to increase Amazon feedback. Without the hassle.

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Everything You Need To Successfully Start Selling On Amazon

October 15, 2018 in Wholesale

When you first decide you want to start selling on Amazon, you can easily get overwhelmed by the amount of information on the internet regarding what you’ll need to get started, how to scale and what tools you’ll actually need to get the job done.

I’m a bit of a minimalist in all aspects of my life, including how I run my wholesale Amazon business.

I don’t want an endless amount of tools at my disposal – that’s the definition of decision fatigue. Instead, I want just enough tools to get the job done in the most effective AND efficient manner.

Everything has a purpose and nothing gets to hang around simply because I think it’s cool and everyone else is recommending it.

I wanted to create a simple resource for those getting started selling on Amazon, including exactly what you’ll need to start selling wholesale specifically and nothing else.

This isn’t a list of every possible tool you can use, but the critical few that have stuck around and consistently show up with other successful wholesale sellers.

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